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BHC Public Works update

BULLHEAD CITY – The City of Bullhead City Public Works Department has the following projects going on in addition to regular work around our city during the week of February 10:

·            City crews will be performing city wide sewer cleaning in various neighborhoods.

·            City crews will be performing city wide sewer video inspection.

·            City crews will be performing city wide street sweeping in various neighborhoods.

·            City crews will be performing city wide traffic and street light maintenance and repairs in various locations throughout the city.

·            City crews will be doing street striping in various areas of the City.  Please use caution.

·            McCormick Construction is installing the new traffic signal at the intersection of Corwin and Hwy 95. Work will take place at night between the hours of 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.  Please observe all traffic control and use caution.

·            City crews will continue slurry work for CSMP 19/20 as programmed.  Please refer to the City’s project website for further details at:

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