BULLHEAD CITY – The Bullhead City Police Department was recently awarded the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) 2020. Funds will be used the acquire new traffic enforcement equipment and to participate in the Arizona Department of Transportation’s (ADOT) TraCS program.
The GOHS Grant awarded $8,064 to purchase speed enforcement equipment and digital speed sign traffic cloud software. An additional $3,000 from an Alcohol/DUI Grant will be used to purchase portable breath test devices (PBT’s) to assist officers in DUI investigations
“The Police Department’s goal is to make the roadways of Bullhead City as safe as possible,” said Traffic Section Supervisor Sergeant Scott Gillman. “This new equipment will be useful toward our efforts to help reduce vehicle crashes within the city
The TraCS program allows law enforcement agencies across Arizona to collect and transmit crash reports electronically. Being part of this statewide system allows personnel to run crash data reports and identify crash trends to help improve public safety.
“The ADOT TraCS crash data can also be used to justify funding requests for road improvements and other safety initiatives,” said Gillman.
The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) TraCS Grant awarded $32,970, which will be used to purchase computers, printers and scanners to operate with ADOT’s TraCS reporting software.