PHOENIX — The Arizona Game and Fish Department is seeking public input on proposed changes to the 2025-26 Arizona fishing regulations. The proposed changes are:
- Create unlimited daily bag and possession limits for illegally introduced warmwater fish in Becker Lake.
- Close KP Creek to angling to protect recently introduced Gila trout.
- Open Bear Wallow, Hayground, and Stinky creeks to catch-and-release angling from May 1 to December 31.
- Continue catch and release only on all fish species at Cluff Ranch Pond #3, excluding rainbow trout, through May 31, 2026. Thereafter, the statewide bag limit would apply for all species except channel catfish, which would have a four fish daily bag limit.
- Expand the legal areas where tilapia are allowed to be used as baitfish when collected onsite.
- Change crappie bag limits in Apache, Canyon, Saguaro lakes and Lake Pleasant to 15 crappie per day to match the bag limits at Bartlett and Roosevelt lakes.
See more detail about the proposed changes and rationale behind them HERE.
A public forum webcast is scheduled for Monday, July 29, from 6 to 7 p.m. to further discuss the proposals and to take public comments. Visit to view the webcast.
Written comments can be submitted by email to through Aug. 16, 2024. Comments can also be submitted by U.S. mail to Arizona Game and Fish Department, Attn: Curt Gill, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086.
The proposed regulation changes are scheduled to be presented to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission at its public meeting Sept. 6, 2024, in Kingman, Ariz. The public is welcome to attend. An agenda will be posted in advance of the meeting at