Dear Editor,
An article by Philip Jenkins written in 2017 and is published on the American Conservative website is proof the conservative’s have always been beholding to the communist.
The title of this article asks What Was “America First”?
In this article it states “Any ideas associated with America First must, by definition, be regarded as anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi, and toxic.”
This statement is an insult to every American that loves their country. It is also the reason everyone calling their self’s conservatives and Republicans was and is against President Trump!
How can these morons call the support of our Constitutional Republic these Bolshevik Communist demeaning buzz words? I will tell you why because they are Communist!
If you support the Constitution and “America First” you are a “Nationalist” not a globalist Bolshevik. And if you are “America First” you will not comply with their internationalist crap!
Conservatism is controlled opposition to “America First” / “Nationalism!”
You must NOW STOP supporting this failed ideology of conservatism!
As you should know the tactic by the communist is to use Political Correctness,PC, to shame people into submitting to their demands and accepting their horrifying practice of murdering people on a daily bases.
The word Racist was coined by Leon Trotsky in 1927. It was used to cudgel and bully ordinary Russians into accepting the horrible practices of the Communist.
This attack on “America First” has been answered many times over but the people seem to ignore the truth and hang on to this failed ideology of conservatism!
The system you see before you today is not our Constitutional Republic! This has been achieved by the two parties working together to remove and change our “National Thought.”
We can only bring unity to America trough “America First” policies! This action will take great effort to remove the lies we have been told and replace them with what our forefathers meant this country to be. You can start with the meaning of the state. “A means to an end for the people.”
If you want to know The Who, What, When, Where and Why I suggest you Embrace “America First”! It is the new social order, national thought and counter culture.
Become part of the awakening.
James J.
It’s been said that one of the hallmarks of disinformation is being able to see that it was written by a non native speaker. I think this letter meets that requirement.
It’s been said that one of the hallmarks of disinformation is being able to see that it was written by a non native speaker. I think this letter meets that requirement.