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Who is Kingman Main Street?

Hello City Leaders and all those that I may have offended….

Jack sez an apology to all of you is needed, from me to all of you. I sent the following letter below out to all of you back on June 8, having been misled by people who are not city leaders, but apparently wanted to throw you, the city leaders, under the bus. It turns out that the city, primarily you, our city leaders, had nothing to do with the abhorrent closure and blockage of the West End of Beale Street at Second St., for the June First Friday event, so please accept my apology.

As I have since learned, it was our very own Chamber of Commerce, in whose name the permit for First Friday events are issued, the First Friday group/committee and an organization, a secret society organization called Kingman Main Street, were the responsible parties for the closure.

I/we have been and are currently developing the names of the people that run the Kingman Main Street in order to get to know who they are, what they represent, do they support downtown Kingman, are they locals, etc. It is unfortunately necessary to do so in this manner, because they have refused to voluntarily provide their names for the public. Sarah Ferry in an email to me, promised/assured me that their names would be posted on the Kingman Main Street website. That was several weeks ago and as of this date, no names of the officers, directors, members of Kingman Main Street appear. I have asked, numerous times, by various friendly means, the people at the Chamber of Commerce and the First Friday committee/group who know who these members of the Kingman Main Street secret society are but they have refused to provide their names as well, which I believe is an abrogation of their duties, responsibilities, and probably even charter to the merchants and the citizens of the City of Kingman.

If any of you have this information, we certainly would appreciate them being forwarded to us so that we will know who our representatives are so far as these downtown events are concerned 

I appreciate the fact that you, our city leaders, keep your names, phone numbers and emails readily available for the public, as we do, and as virtually every responsible civic organization that I’ve ever been associated with has done. It is inconceivable, and quite frankly strange that the Kingman Main Street organization feels that it is okay for them to operate in the closet so to speak, under a cloak of darkness. Please refer to my attached letter, which has gone out to others within the Kingman community as we reach out to find out who these people are who run the Kingman Main Street organization.

Once again, full-on apologies to all of you for my misdirected comments your way, in my June 8 letter.

Jack Alexander

2 thoughts on “Who is Kingman Main Street?

  1. I think you’re misleading people by suggesting your efforts have been friendly in any way, shape, or form. You’re consistently combative and accusatory at every turn. It’s no wonder the people who are working hard to make our town nice and provide, fun, positive, inclusive events for EVERYONE (hate & racism not tolerated) don’t run to accommodate your every demand.

  2. I am unclear what your beef is? How were you harmed by the group? What conspiracy are you suggesting? I, for one, find the First Fridays a welcome event that draws hundreds if not a few thousand people to our unique downtown. I support wholeheartedly the efforts by the city to improve and promote not only local involvement, but tourist interest as well. I am listening, but I don’t understand your concern…

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