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Vetting the vettors and setting the record straight

letter to the editor

Dear Editor,

I guess I should be honored to be the recipient of not one but two pathetic attempted political hit piece letters in the July 17 issue of the Miner, with one also printed in The Standard, written by BHC resident Donna Ramirez. 

District 2 Supervisor and Arizona Senate candidate Hildy Angius, a frequent victim of Ramirez’ character assassination videos, is apparently too cowardly to even state Donna’s name publicly, only referring to her as “this woman” and referencing “certain miserable misfits from Bullhead City” in recent paid political ads on Facebook.

County Assessor and MCRCC Chairwoman Jeannie Kentch recently posted on Facebook that Ramirez was “deranged,” “unbalanced,” and “irrational,” stating that she was seriously scared for her safety and worried about Ramirez “becoming unhinged and possibly going over the edge” even comparing her to the 20-year-old man who fired shots at President Trump.

She hasn’t even got the courage to speak to me in person. Cowardly cyber stalkers prefer to hide behind the safety of their keyboard. And Ramirez knows little about me other than what she finds obsessively scouring the internet, and then tries to take out of context. She can’t see my Facebook posts and comments because I’ve had her blocked since I ran for the AZ Legislature years ago. She was one of several Supervisor Bishop adjacent trolls relentlessly stalking me online back then as well.

Ramirez ridiculously insinuates that I have aliases, but that’s certainly the pot calling the kettle black.

Despite malicious and totally false rumors I have no criminal convictions, not even a traffic violation or parking ticket, on my record. In full disclosure I absolutely did not steal “a client/attorney confidential document” from Quartzite Councilwoman Patricia Workman in 2012. The indisputable truth is I was given a CD of a public record to write an article about (DPS Report #DR 2011-027462) by Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster, who was a featured columnist in my newspaper “The Desert Freedom Press”. And although I was removed from the Quartzsite P&Z Board in 2013, it was in retaliation for my refusal to capitulate to corrupt Town officials.

Moreover, my litigation has not cost taxpayers “half a million bucks”. The County was defended in house by Board attorney Ryan Esplin, who is paid a salary. My legal efforts actually saved the rate payers of the Golden Valley Improvement District $3.1M in illegal surcharges.

And to be absolutely crystal clear, I can easily prove that: I never ever had dogs in a trailer in Quartzite without air conditioning as Supervisor Bishop previously posted, I’ve never ever starved or neglected a pony named “Pistol” as Bishop supporter Joanne Issel and her Democrat co-conspirators insist, and I have never ever allowed dogs to “roam free” nor stated “if they get shot, they get shot” as animal rights extremist Jennifer Agne posted. That’s just a sampling of the outright lies I’ve had to endure. 

Also, I never threatened to sue people who disagree with me, but I did promise to sue those who have libeled me during this election such as the aforementioned and others. Because there is no actual dirt to dig up on me nefarious people have resorted to inventing horrible works of pure fiction to deter potential voters. 

Marsh, Smaby are horrible choices, for different reasons. But also because there is not enough soap in all of Mohave County to wash the vile stench of Supervisor Wilma Jean Bishop off of their campaigns. 

Marsh, aka Logan Kelsch, told me himself over a year ago that Bishop encouraged him to run and even assisted him in filling out the paperwork. So did he lie to me or did he lie to the Miner readers in his recent Guest Column? He proudly took a cozy photo with Bishop and Smaby in Chloride at a recent event there. What a team. A shameless drama queen and gossip, Marsh/Kelsch spins a nice tale about “transparency,” “accountability” and “integrity,” while letting his father Gordon Kelsch post ugly outright lies accusing me of marital infidelity and other disgusting things. 

Smaby, the career bureaucrat feeding at the public trough, has shown he’s willing to exploit his County position in possible violation of A.R.S.11-410. I’m not really surprised that Smaby was endorsed by the owners of Old Trails Demolition, which has a County Contract and makes money off of every property abatement Smaby pursues in his official capacity. Smaby embodies everything sleazy, shady, and corrupt that despoils local government. For campaign propaganda Smaby shamelessly used photos taken with uniformed members of the Sheriff’s Department, took credit for the disbursement of Covid relief funds in Oatman, and insinuated that he had something to do with Vinnie Salmu getting permits to reopen the grocery store in Dolan Springs (where Salmu then hosted a meet the candidate event for Smaby and endorsed him). Smaby is also the defendant in a civil lawsuit, along with his current and his former boss, for abusing his authority as the Chief Building Official. And I have firsthand knowledge that’s not an isolated incident.

On 13 April 2024, LD 30 House Representative John Gillette publicly posted, “I do not support Bishop or anyone she may endorse or support.” That’s excellent advice John, I hope the voters listen on July 30. You may not like my style but as your next County Supervisor you’re going to love my results and come to appreciate my honesty.

Jennifer Esposito

Republican Candidate for District 4 Supervisor

2 thoughts on “Vetting the vettors and setting the record straight

  1. It is late in the hour but at least there is light. Jennifer is by far the hardest working woman I know. I personally have experienced life on the hard real side. Having been an owner and operator of several businesses that require strict attention to detail and zero room for error or mistakes, I am proud to say that I would hire Jennifer to handle any of those positions without delay or thought. Her tenacity and understanding of what those needs are, given whatever that situation may be, stands out above most of the top choices in my book. Today’s challenges require intense knowledge of all possible outcomes for a positive result. Jennifer has that ability. Anyone who says otherwise is, well, full of it. As the next Dist 4 Supervisor, we will gladly hand over the reins to such a dynamic and stable individual to represent us in an honest and honorable way!! You go girl!!!

  2. In regards to personal attacks on American citizens who are involved in the vetting process in Mohave County and elsewhere around the United States; the candidates have voluntarily placed themselves in a position of being scrutinized and ridiculed, as well as being lovingly supported by thier friends; However, they must be aware that as candidates they have to take the good with the bad. There is no place for thin-skinned candidates here.

    Candidates who know they have a horrid past that is not so bright, (and as a matter of fact exposes them as bullies and rabble-rousers, using intimidation tactics and threats against anyone who points out flaws, contradictions and reasons why they should be looked at more carefully) need not apply because thier past WILL come back to bite them where the sun doesn’t shine; Vetting candidates is always suggested, and vetting is what is needed to help in the decision making voting process.

    There are candidates who are angry and spiteful and obviously hurt because of the vetting process and unfortunately they are stupidly harassing and attacking the public for exposing them; Then they act as “victims” when they are exposed (which shows manipultion and weakness); The county should not work on weakness, but strength; We the people should never bow down to public officials or intimidating political candidates or thier minions who are blatantly using propaganda and flat out lies to make citizens who have a God given right to examine all areas of the candidates life, look like they are the one’s running a campaign; Those who are elected in any office serve “we the people”; not the other way around. Some of the candidates do not realize that in order to make the proper decisions regarding placing someone in office to represent the people takes careful research, and in the words of Plato “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

    Jennifer Esposito is unfortunately one of these candidates, and it is certainly appauling that she has spent her campaign not campaigning, but threatening lawsuits, working with others to harass and intimidate citizens; making up lies and spreading rumors (and sounding exactly like Marianne Salem’s “voo doo” dolly issues, and her husband’s homophobic problems, who were just featured on another news outlet) insinuating people are less then credible simply because they have found something important to share about a particular candidate; Esposito unfortunately manipulates the public by using logical phallacies and contradictions (such as “I have blocked her” and “she cannot even talk to me” however who in their right mind would want anythng to do with Quartzsite rabble-rouser Esposito, Jones, Harris, and other aliases she’s used?) has managed to get away with her many lawsuits she has filed that has cost the county thousands of dollars. Recall Esposito’s dealings in Quartzsite and know that they are being reenacted in Mohave County, for a leopard does not change it’s spots; The county does not need this kind of behavior; The candidates running will possibly be representing the public, therefore they’re behavior now will be thier behavior should they become elected. We need to examine all of them and think about that. We need to ask why Esposito was ousted from the plannind and zoning commission in Quarzsite and why she came to Mohave County; We have all seen and heard Esposito continually attack one of our supervisors throughout the years, making herself look ridiculous and idiotic, what will she do when this supervisor retires? Who will she bully then?

    It is imperative that candidates understand that they have voluntarily placed themselves out here to be vetted; no one asked them to run; it was thier decision, and WE THE PEOPLE have a duty to vet them; but those of us who do, will not stand for personal attacks and threats about “If I don’t win, I’m going to sue!”, after she harasses WE THE PEOPLE; that makes no sense at all. Some of the candidates really need to take a few classes on class.

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