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Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

Thank you So Much……

The entire staff here at The Standard newspaper would like to thank our readers for their patience and support over the last few weeks and months as we have completely rebuilt our website. is our comprehensive and inclusive attempt to not only present the latest news and highlight upcoming events, but to provide avenues (links) to community resources that are important for the betterment of our community and Mohave County.

We have focused feverishly on the expansion and development of this new website; we have created and included a link to our E-edition located on the upper right corner of the screen for those readers who read digitally, but still like to view newspapers in the traditionally published news format.

I urge you to explore Kingman and the surrounding communities by selecting our link to the Everything Kingman moblie app located on the front page.

Our “Archive” category chronicles more than 8,000 posts spanning the last half-dozen years and is also available from nearly any page on the site.

We have digitized, if you will, our business directory and linked it to their respective businesses. Click the Business page and look for the “Business Quick Links” on the right hand side of the page. Then, use the elevator slide to view the businesses in alphabetical order. This fun and informative feature is just one of many ways to present business news more personally.

The Standard newspaper has been a locally focused, family owned and operated community newspaper for Kingman and Mohave County for nearly 35 years; we invite you to subscribe to our print edition and join us for the next 35 years!


We promise we will not stop publishing our weekly print edition anytime soon! I personally slept many a night on the floor, on a pile of newsprint as I grew up watching, waiting and sleeping while my Dad finished printing the paper. The feel of the paper, the smell of the ink and delivering the paper in the middle of the night is in our blood…. we are a newspaper family!

We promise that we will not charge you to read the paper online! We have always sought to have the support of the community and businesses in the form of advertising; we will continue to ask for their support.

We have kept one special promise since day one, in that we don’t charge to print/publish obituaries. This is something my Dad refused to do the day he rolled the first issue off the press in 1986. We have kept that promise and will continue to print /publish obituaries at no cost to the families.


We will continue to gather the news, print and publish the news online and in print. We will make mistakes and we will do our best to correct them. While we operate with a very small staff, we take our jobs seriously! We were not part of nor are we soliciting to be part of any corporate buy-out or takeover. We like who we are and are proud to have been part of the community for the past three-plus decades. We have watched our children grow up as well as yours. We have buried our family here as you have yours. What affects us affects you and we are in it together and we plan being in Mohave County another 35 years, God willing!

Being an independent family owned and operated newspaper, we work in the office everyday just like many of the small family businesses throughout the county. We welcome your comments as well as your criticisms. Please feel free to contact us by phone at 928-753-1143 or on my cell at 928-716-0373. Our physical and mailing address is in our footer on the website along with our general news email for your convenience……

Matthew Wanner / Publisher