Cabrera takes plea in child porn case
KINGMAN – A Kingman man is heading to the Arizona Department of Corrections for downloading child pornography.
KINGMAN – A Kingman man is heading to the Arizona Department of Corrections for downloading child pornography.
KINGMAN – The City of Kingman proudly celebrated a major milestone yesterday as the Kingman Visitor Center welcomed its 3 millionth visitor since opening its doors in October 1997. Steve and Diane Jarvis, frequent visitors from Bullhead City, were honored as the 3 millionth guests during a surprise celebration. The Jarvis family frequently visits Kingman to spend time with their children and grandchildren and have expressed their appreciation for the Visitor Center’s offerings over the years. To commemorate the occasion, Kingman Mayor Ken Watkins, Vice Mayor Cherish Sammeli, and Council Member Smiley Ward joined in the festivities.
KINGMAN – A project to construct a free-flowing interchange between Interstate 40 and US 93 is quickly transforming the landscape along I-40 in this northwest Arizona community, with crews clearing land for new travel lanes, removing sound walls and preparing the foundations for new bridges.
This progress comes six months into the Arizona Department of Transportation’s $106 million project to eliminate delays that can occur for passenger and truck traffic on the main route between Las Vegas and Arizona. Instead of traffic stopping for a traffic signal on Beale Street at I-40,
KINGMAN – Businesses and Kingman communities gathered for one of the biggest downtown Kingman events of the year. An estimated 15,000 residents enjoyed beautiful Christmas lights and floats, food trucks, booths, and so much more on Saturday, December 9.For the past couple of years, Everything Kingman, Kingman’s Mobile app, has been holding a People’s Choice voting poll for the best floats and lights of the Street of Lights Music Festival.
Tallys have come in as of December 9.
KINGMAN – A Kingman man may never regain freedom following conviction at trial in a child sex case.
KINGMAN – Grace Lutheran Church at 2101 Harrison Street would like to invite the community to a special service of lessons and carols. Services will be held Saturday, December 7 at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 at 9 a.m. Hear Old Testament prophecy and look forward to Christmas and New Testament fulfillment. This very musical service will feature the bell choir, The Bells of Glory, and the choir. It is a beautiful service, and all are invited to share in the experience.