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Response to “Trump says Hitler did some good things”

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to a letter by Jake Pickering, titled “Trump says Hitler did some good things.” In his letter, Jake claims that Trump praised and claims that it is an “established and indisputable fact” that Trump is a fan of Adolf Hitler.

Firstly Jake, you forgot to mention one crucial detail in your letter. The claims that Trump said “Hitler did some good things” are simply hearsay from Trump’s former chief in staff, John Kelly. There is no evidence whatsoever that Trump actually said this, just like the claim that Trump keeps transcripts of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside. That claim is so cartoonish in nature.

Think about it, how many people distort the truth about their former employers out of spite? How many people do the same thing to their exes? If you’re going to claim that someone is indisputably a fan of Adolf Hitler, you need actual evidence of them saying it, such as them saying it publicly, them saying it in a recording, etc.

Also, who’s calling for concentration camps? Where are you getting your information Jake? You didn’t do much to elaborate on this, but as far as I know nobody plans on building concentration camps. You reference the detainment of illegal immigrants for “supposed deportation,” but immediately make the bold and baseless claim that it will actually be mass extermination. It seems that you are a classic conspiracy theorist.

Ultimately Jake, you’re just making false accusations and using baseless secondhand information to cradle your belief that Trump is a fascist. Why don’t we take a look at a real fascist, such as Benito Mussolini, who was the first to use the “fascist” label. Benito Mussolini turned Italy into a one-party nation, he illegalized free speech and political opposition, he executed anyone who didn’t follow these laws, and he starved countless people because power was more important to him than the economy. This was an actual fascist.

Trump has no intentions of turning America into a one-party nation, nor does he intend to illegalize the first amendment, and he doesn’t intend to execute those who oppose him. There is no factual basis to form these beliefs on. In four years, we will have another election, which is something that couldn’t happen under a fascist.

Obviously, I’m not going to change your opinion, your views are internalized, and I don’t care to. However, those reading should know some facts and context that you left out. I’m sure you’ll write your own letter in response, one that likely hyper defensively labels me a fascist or compares me to a nazi. Have fun with that, though you should know I’m an independent.

Matt B.