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Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

Response to ‘Pot calling the kettle black’

Dear Editor,

Wow, Ms. J.M., you seem to have much rage against Senator Vance and former President Trump. Your “facts” are in no way truthful to say the least. Misinformation in today’s speak. In other words, lies. What happens on November 5, is going to decide if the United States will remain a Constitutional Republic or become a Marxist Regime.

President Obama began the remaking of the United States in his eyes. Hope and change? Grand words but without action meaningless. Oh, but Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the 2016 election. Thankfully, for us, the remake got put on hold for four years.

Ms. Clinton, till this day, believes she won the election citing Russian interference, yet she is not persecuted or prosecuted for her beliefs. Fast forward to November 2020. Voting machine problems, counting of late ballots, refusal of conservative vote count watchers, and lack of voter verification led to a suspicious outcome.

A lackluster, corrupt career politician that hid in his basement during COVID wins over a successful incumbent President, questionable? The incumbent President dares to challenge the results and is persecuted day after day then brought-up on false charges by liberal District Attorneys and state Attorney Generals around the country seeking to get him disqualified from running for President again. Ms. J.M., the political party you embrace is not the party of J.F.K. or those before him.

Nikita Khrushchev said: We will take-over the United States without firing a shot. The Democratic Party has been taken-over by radical leftists hell bent on destroying America. For the last three years and eight months our country has been in steep decline.

The rule of law ignored, open borders allowing violent criminals, human trafficking, and drug smuggling, double-digit inflation, weaponizing of the Justice Department, F.B.I., and the A.T.F. against our citizens, loss of respect around the world, depletion of our military, contempt for our Bill of Rights, wasteful government spending at home and abroad, government over-regulation of business, energy, and agriculture, violent criminals freed with no cash bail by liberal District Attorneys, and the brainwashing of our youth.

The fact that our former President is a businessman and expects results, not a career Politician, strikes fear into the minds of the “deep state” politicians of both parties. You talk about the anger our former President shows when he has every right to defend himself against constant unwarranted attacks. It really does matter who we vote for.

Our choice to me is clear: Do we want a government of the people, by the people, for the people or a government that thinks it knows what is best for the people, like it or not!

Jack Goyeneche