My wife and I are fortunate enough to have lived in a house which is on the Historic Registry of places in Kingman. Built in 1910, the house was once the home of the J. Duffy Brown family; former residents of Canada who came to Kingman to open a mine.
The home, which has always been beautiful, received a badly needed coat of paint. Being that it has four different colors as part of its craftsman style, the project took three weeks to complete. The painters were meticulous in their work, and we were more than satisfied with the result.
Prior, the paint had been oxidized, faded and chipped. The outer beauty of the house had been brought into question; but, now, the house has been restored to its former beauty and character.
As I pondered this in my mind, I could not help but think of man, himself. Created by God as perfect in beauty and character, man, through his disobedience became stained and worn by the presence of sin. Adam’s sin and disobedience to God was passed upon all men. Thus, all men, by our very nature we are in need of forgiveness and salvation. Through faith in His name, Christ Jesus covered us with His precious blood that we would appear as new, again.
As children, we often played games of various kinds. If our performance was poor, and we failed to excel, we would cry out “Do over!” A second chance to do our best was thought to be in order. We did not want to be thought of as a failure.
Now, as adults, we make mistakes and long for a “do over.” A second chance to get life right is the desire of our heart, as we don’t want to be known by our peers as having failed. An unknown author wrote this verse, saying: “No man can go back and start life over again; but any man can start today and give his life a brand-new end.”
God, as a God of mercy and grace, has allowed man the opportunity to experience salvation and forgiveness of sin. He has given us the opportunity not to be seen as sinful and unrighteous men, but to be cleansed and appear before Him as holy and without blame through His love. Paul, in writing to the believers at Ephesus encouraged them with this fact. “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” (Ephesians 1:4)
Just as our love for an old house motivated us to do what we could to make it the very best it can be, so God, in His love for mankind, made a way for us to be pure and holy in His sight though His incomprehensible love.
- Pastor Jerry L. Dunn, Oak Street Baptist Church