A Feb. 28 hearing involving a Bullhead City child abuse case was halted by a hiccup involving restitution. Terms of the deal required 22-year-old Dalton Milne’s guilty plea to child abuse with punishment ranging from probation up to seven years in prison.
An agreement had not been reached on restitution and defense attorney Michael Beane requested that the hearing be continued because he would not stipulate to an undesignated amount, capped at $1 million.
Attorneys might resolve the restitution issue and complete entry of the change of plea at the next hearing which is scheduled before Mohave County Superior Court Judge Rick Lambert on March 11.
Bullhead City police spokeswoman Emily Fromelt said Milne was arrested last Nov. Officers were summoned to Western Arizona Regional Medical Center where doctors were treating a baby for a brain injury. She said detectives determined Milne threw his 3-month-old daughter into a chair because he was frustrated she would not stop crying.