Palo Christi considered to aid with overcapacity of elementary schools
A mothballed elementary school could be returned to service by the Kingman Unified School District (KUSD). Superintendent Gretchen Dorner spoke of the historic downtown property during Tuesday’s governing Board meeting.
“Palo Christi will always be on the agenda in one form or another as it’s still a building in our district and there will be a time when we will likely need it and that time is drawing closer,” Dorner said. She said 3 Kingman elementary schools are at capacity and another has only 2 classrooms available.
“The 3 that are full—Manzanita, Hualapai, and Desert Willow—they may all send some kids that way,” Dorner said. She said staff will explore whether Palo Christi would provide mainstream instruction or possibly alternative pathways to learning as well.
“I am excited that you are taking a look at Palo Christi and exploring the further use of that building,” said Board member Roger Jacks. “A concern I guess I have is coming up with an accurate estimate of what it would take to bring the building up to code.”
Dorner said staff analysis will contemplate use of a portion of the main building on the Palo Christi campus. Expense concerns range from an elevator to roofing and from asbestos to restrooms.
Dorner said staff envisions using federal COVID-19 relief money to fund renovations. She said an outline could emerge for Board consideration by the end of the year.
Dave Hawkins