Beginning July 1, 2019, a flat fee for recording documents in the State of Arizona will go into effect pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §11-475, as amended by the Arizona State Legislature in 2018.
The fee to record a document in the Mohave County Recorder’s office and throughout Arizona will become $30.00 per document. This eliminates the need to determine recording fees, which were previously based on and are now inclusive of:
How many pages the document contains, additional indexing categories, additional reference numbers on a document, mailing the recorded document back to the customer, the additional fee for the Affidavit of Property Value when required by the State.
The new fee does not affect the fees for recording maps and plats which will remain the same per A.R.S. §11-481.C. Filing of military discharges will continue to be recorded at no cost to veterans.
Please contact recorderhelp@mohavecounty.us or call (928) 753-0701 with questions or concerns.