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Mohave County Democratic Road Show

Back Left to Right: Paul Smith, Lisa Pickard, Catherine Wright, Monica Timberlake, Ylenia Aguilar, and Brian McMahan. Front row, L to R, Jonathon Hill and Joshua Polacheck. Missing from photo are Ruben Gallego and Quacy Smith who phoned in, and J’aime MorgAine.

MOHAVE COUNTY – Democratic candidates visited three cities on Saturday, August 10 including Lake Havasu, Bullhead City and Kingman to discuss their platforms, meet voters, and answer questions. On Sunday, August 11, they continued on to Mesquite, Nevada and finished in Colorado City, Arizona.

Board of Supervisors Democratic candidates for Mohave County spoke to crowds about what they bring to the future of the county, and why they want to help shape the future. District 1 candidate Catherine Wright, District 3 candidate Paul Smith, District 4 candidate Lisa Pickard, and District 5 candidate Brian McMahan all spoke and answered a variety of questions.

Legislative District 30 State Senate and Representative candidates J’aime Morgaine and Monica Timberlake, respectively, spoke of their campaigns and why they look forward to serving at the state level.

Corporation Commission candidates Jonathon Hill, Joshua Polacheck and Ylenia Aguilar each discussed their reasons for running and held a question-and-answer period for voters to better understand what the Corporation Commission does and the impact on the citizens of Arizona. They inspired and informed the crowd.

Due to scheduling conflicts, current Congressman and candidate for US Senate, Ruben Gallego, and US Representative Congressional District 9 candidate, Quacy Smith, spoke to the groups via phone.

An Arizona Democrats Coordinated Campaign representative spoke about the rally on Friday night in Arizona for the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz campaign and how inspiring that was for all those in attendance.

For additional information contact Diane McMahan at