APN: 110-14-010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE The following legally described trust property will be sold, pursuant to the power of sale under that certain Modification to Promissory Note and/or Deed of Trust recorded in Mohave County, Arizona, Instrument No. 2008050716, at public auction to the highest bidder at Wachtel, Biehn & Malm, located at 2240 McCulloch Boulevard N., Suite A, Lake Havasu City, Mohave County, Arizona, on Friday, April 10, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Arizona Standard Time. NOTICE! IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A DEFENSE TO THE TRUSTEE SALE OR IF YOU HAVE AN OBJECTION TO THE TRUSTEE SALE, YOU MUST FILE AN ACTION AND OBTAIN A COURT ORDER PURSUANT TO RULE 65, ARIZONA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, STOPPING THE SALE NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME OF THE LAST BUSINESS DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED DATE OF THE SALE, OR YOU MAY HAVE WAIVED ANY DEFENSES OR OBJECTIONS TO THE SALE. UNLESS YOU OBTAIN AN ORDER, THE SALE WILL BE FINAL. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 10, BLOCK 1, TRACT 2282A, LAKE HAVASU CITY, ARIZONA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1974, AT FEE NO. 74-34626, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. EXCEPT ALL OIL, GAS, COAL AND MINERALS WHATSOEVER ALREADY FOUND OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER BE FOUND IN OR UNDER SAID LAND AND ALL UNDERGROUND WATER IN, UNDER OR FLOWING THROUGH SAID LAND AND WATER RIGHTS APPURTENANT THERETO, AS RESERVED IN MESNE INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. EXCEPT AN UNDIVIDED 1/16TH OF ALL GASES AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES, COAL OR STONE, METALS, MINERALS, FOSSILS, AND FERTILIZER OF EVERY NAME AND DESCRIPTION, TOGETHER WITH ALL URANIUM, THORIUM OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH IS OR MAY BE DETERMINED BY THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, THE STATE OF ARIZONA OR DECISIONS OF COURTS TO BE PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIALS, WHETHER OR NOT OF COMMERCIAL VALUE, AS RESERVED BY THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN 37-231, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES AND IN PATENT OF RECORD. Also commonly known as: 4093 Black Hill Bay, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86406 TAX PARCEL I.D.#: 110-14-010 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE: $95,590.50 (Ninety-Five Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Dollars and Fifty Cents). NAME AND ADDRESS OF CURRENT BENEFICIARY: Raymond H. and Janet L. Lockett, as Trustees of the Lockett Family Trust dated October 02, 2003, P.O. Box 2029, Dayton, Nevada 89403 NAME AND ADDRESS OF ORIGINAL TRUSTOR(S): Bryan Zeman, 4090 Black Hill Bay, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86406 NAME, ADDRESS AND TELPHONE NUMBER OF CURRENT TRUSTEE: Jay Bidwell, c/o Wachtel, Biehn & Malm, 2240 McCulloch Boulevard N., Ste. A, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403. Telephone: (928) 855-5115. DATED this 21st day of January, 2020 TRUSTEE: /s/ Jay Bidwell, Trustee Qualification pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-803(A)(2) Licensed Arizona Attorney STATE OF ARIZONA ss. County of Mohave On this 21st day of January, 2020, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared, Jay Bidwell, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing Notice of Trustee’s Sale, in his capacity as Trustee and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained. /s/ Angela R. James, Notary Public My Commission Expires: Nov. 7, 2022
Publish: 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, 3/11/20
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR-PROFT CORPORATION 1. ENTITY TYPE: [x] FOR-PROFIT (BUSINESS) CORPORATION 2. ENTITY NAME: The King of Hemp Store, Inc 3. PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION SERVICES [blank] 4. CHARACTER OF BUSINESS: Retail 5. SHARES Class: Common Series: [blank] Total: 10,000. 6. ARIZONA KNOWN PLACE OF BUSINESS ADDRESS: 6.1 Is the Arizona known place of business address the same as the street address of the statutory agent: [x] No. 6.2 The physical or street address of the known place of business of the corporation in Arizona: Dwight Jory, 330 E. Beale St., Kingman, AZ 86401. 7. DIRECTORS: Theodora deHondol-Jory, 9626 Fietz Ave., Golden Valley, AZ 86413; Tuesday Simmons, 4938 W. Glen Canyon Rd., Golden Valley, AZ 86413. 8. STATUTORY AGENT: 8.1 Physical Address: Dwight Jory, 9626 Fietz Ave., Golden Valley, AZ 86413. 8.2 Mailing Address: Dwight Jory, 1308 N. Stockton Hill Rd., A656, Kingman, AZ 86401
Publish: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/20
Publish: 3/11, 3/18, 3/25/20
ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF KINGMAN BODY WORKS LLC AN ARIZONA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Pursuant to A.R.S. section 29-632 (or the corresponding section of any future law of this state), the undersigned Arizona limited liability company submits the following Articles of Organization for filing. ARTICLE I. Name. The exact name of the company is KINGMAN BODY WORKS LLC. ARTICLE 2. Company Address. The street and mailing address of the company’s principal registered office is 2111 Airway Ave., Kingman, AZ 86409. ARTICLE 3. Purpose. This company is organized for the purposes of transacting any and all lawful business for which companies may be formed under state law, including, but not limited to, the following: collision repair. The company’s principal business activity is the following: autobody repair and paint. ARTICLE 4. Registered Agent. The name of the initial registered agent is Kingman Body Works LLC. The address of the initial registered agent is 2111 Airway Ave., Kingman, AZ 86409. ARTICLE 5. Email Address: The business email address is kingmanbodyworksllc@gmail.com. ARTICLE 6. Duration. The company will exist for a perpetual duration. ARTICLE 7. Management. The manage of the company is reserved to the members. ARTICLE 8. Initial Members. Stephen Schmidt, an initial member of the company, is located at 2515 Lillie Ave., Kingman, AZ 86401. Coltier Schmidt, an initial member of the company, is located at 928 Topeka St., Kingman, AZ 86401. The undersigned Organizer of Kingman Body Works LLC executed these Articles of Organization as of the date set forth below: /s/ Coltier Schmidt, 928 Topeka St., Kingman, AZ 86401. Date: [blank]
Publish: 2/26,3/4, 3/11/20
ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ENTITY NAME: Pizzamans Pavilion LLC ENTITY ID: 23059286 ENTITY TYPE: Domestic LLC EFFECTIVE DATE: 2/5/2020 CHARACTER OF BUSINESS: Manufacturing (33) MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE: Member-Managed PERIOD OF DURATION: Perpetual PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: N/A STATUTORY AGENT NAME: Bonnie Gale Taylor PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1840 Monterey Dr., Bullhead City, AZ 86442 MAILING ADDRESS: 1840 Monterey Dr., Bullhead City, AZ 86442 KNOWN PLACE OF BUSINESS: Att: Michael Jensen, 7185 S. Hwy 95, Mohave Valley, AZ 86440 PRINCIPALS Member: Michael Jensen, 7185 S Hwy 95, Mohave Valley, AZ 86440, mike@pizzamanmike.comDate Taking Office: 2/5/2020 ORGANIZERS Michael Jensen, 7185 S. Hwy 95, Mohave Valley, AZ 86440, mike@pizzamanmike.com /s/ Michael Jensen, Organizer 2/5/2020
Publish: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/20
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- Oliver Yung-Fu Chen and Philby Chin-Fang Chen, husband and wife; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-01217 SUMMONS State of Arizona to: Oliver Yung-Fu Chen A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers are served on you with this summons. If you do not want a judgment against you without your input, you must file an answer in writing with the Court. Send answer to Clerk of the Superior Court, PO Box 7000, Kingman, AZ 86402. Mail a copy of your answer to the other party at PO Box 172, Kingman, AZ 86402. If you were served within the State of Arizona, your response must be filed within Twenty (20) days, starting the day after you were served. If you were served outside the State of Arizona, your response must be filed within Thirty (30) days, starting the day after you were served. Signed and sealed this date: 12/23/19 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By /s/ Deputy Clerk
Publish: 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/20
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- Nelson L. Culp and Clara B. Culp, husband and wife; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-01231 SUMMONS State of Arizona to: Nelson L. Culp A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers are served on you with this summons. If you do not want a judgment against you without your input, you must file an answer in writing with the Court. Send answer to Clerk of the Superior Court, PO Box 7000, Kingman, AZ 86402. Mail a copy of your answer to the other party at PO Box 172, Kingman, AZ 86402. If you were served within the State of Arizona, your response must be filed within Twenty (20) days, starting the day after you were served. If you were served outside the State of Arizona, your response must be filed within Thirty (30) days, starting the day after you were served. Signed and sealed this date: 12/31/19 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By T. Ansbro Deputy Clerk
Publish: 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/20
NOTICE (for publication) ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION HAVE BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION FOR I. Name: Hokkaido LLC. II. The address of the known place of business is: 1550 S Palo Verde Blvd., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403. III. The name and street address of the Statutory Agent is: Xiao Jiang, 1550 S Palo Verde Blvd., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403. B. [x] Management of the limited liability company is reserved to the members. The names and addresses of each person who is a member are: [x] member Xiao Jiang, 1550 S Palo Verde Blvd., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Publish: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/20
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE The following legally described trust property will be sold pursuant to the power of sale under that certain Deed of Trust (the “Deed of Trust”) recorded on March 21, 2017, at Fee No. 2017013073, Official Records of Mohave County, Arizona. NOTICE! IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A DEFENSE TO THE TRUSTEE SALE OR IF YOU HAVE AN OBJECTION TO THE TRUSTEE SALE, YOU MUST FILE AN ACTION AND OBTAIN A COURT ORDER PURSUANT TO RULE 65, ARIZONA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, STOPPING THE SALE NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME OF THE LAST BUSINESS DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED DATE OF THE SALE, OR YOU MAY HAVE WAIVED ANY DEFENSES OR OBJECTIONS TO THE SALE. UNLESS YOU OBTAIN AN ORDER, THE SALE WILL BE FINAL AND WILL OCCUR AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER at the Law Offices of Bruno, Brooks & Goldberg, P.C., 730 East Beale Street, Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on Wednesday, the 27th day of May, 2020 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. of said day: Lot 14, Block 1, ENCHANTED ACRES, according to the plat of record in the office of the County Recorder of Mohave County, Arizona, recorded June 20, 1961, at Fee No. 104497. According to the Deed of Trust or information supplied by the Beneficiary, the street address or identifiable location of the trust property is as follows: 3160 Hwy 95, Bullhead City, Arizona 86442. Tax Parcel Number: 220-14-014. Original Principal Balance: $450,000.00. Name and Address of Current Beneficiary: Horizon Community Bank, 225 N. Lake Havasu Avenue, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403. Name and Address of Original Trustors: Steven L. Little and Sheri L. Little, 2869 Grandhill Road, Bullhead City, AZ 86442. Name and Address of Successor Trustee: Jeffrey A. Goldberg, BRUNO, BROOKS & GOLDBERG, P.C., 730 East Beale Street, Kingman, Arizona 86401, Telephone: (928) 753-6115. MANNER OF TRUSTEE QUALIFICATION – A.R.S. § 33-803.A.2. MEMBER OF THE STATE BAR OF ARIZONA NAME OF TRUSTEE REGULATOR – STATE BAR OF ARIZONA The foregoing sale will be made for cash, cashier’s check or certified funds check, or other form of payment satisfactory to the Trustee, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied. DATED this 20th day of February, 2020. /s/ Jeffrey A. Goldberg, Successor Trustee STATE OF ARIZONA ss. COUNTY OF MOHAVE JEFFREY A. GOLDBERG, Successor Trustee, acknowledged this instrument before me, the undersigned Notary Public, this 20th day of February, 2020. /s/ Laura Patriquin Notary Public My Commission Expires: April 13, 2021
Publish: 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/20
Person/Attorney Filing: Stephen M Collins, Mailing Address: 2355 E. Camelback Road Suite 615, City, State, Zip Code: Phoenix, AZ 85016, Phone Number: (602)889-8156, E-Mail Address: matt.collins@fnf.com, State Bar Number: 012095, Issuing State: AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Javier Ortega, et al. Plaintiff(s), v. Unknown Heirs of William C. Snyder Defendant(s). Case No. S8015CV202000102 SUMMONS To: Unknown Heirs of William C. Snyder WARNING: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without your input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, 401 E. Spring Street, Kingman, Arizona 86401 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing systems at http://www.azcourts.gov/efilinginformation. Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of MOHAVE
Publish: 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, 3/11/20
SIPPEL LAW FIRM PLLC, 707 East Beale Street, Kingman, AZ 86401, 928-753-2889, Fax 928-718-5877 email: notice@sippellaw.com Mark A. Sippel Bar ID 005506 Attorneys for Personal Representative SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA MOHAVE COUNTY In the Matter of The Estate of RITA KATHRYN CLINCH Deceased May 10, 2019 No. PB-2020-00017 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this estate. In accordance with A.R.S. subsection 14-3803 and 14-3801, all persons or known creditors having claims against the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or within sixty days after the mailing or other delivery of the notice, whichever is later or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented by delivering or mailing a written statement of the claim to the undersigned Personal Representative at their stated address or to the Personal Representative c/o Mark A. Sippel, Attorney at Law, 707 E BEALE ST, KINGMAN, AZ 86401. SIPPEL LAW FIRM PLLC /s/ Mark A. Sippel, Counsel for Personal Representative /s/ Sharon P Muehe, 2016 RUFFINO DR., COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80921, 719-358-8461, Personal Representative
Publish: 3/11, 3/18, 3/25/209
STEVEN BIEHN , State Bar I.D. #006220, WACHTEL, BIEHN & MALM, 2240 McCulloch Boulevard, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403, (928) 855-5115 Email:stevebiehn@wbmlaw.com Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: DORIS E. SALTER, Deceased Probate No: 2020-07012 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (For Publication) NOTICE IS GIVEN that Gayle Ann Salter and Kenneth W. Salter were appointed Co-Personal Representatives of this Estate. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented by delivering or mailing a written statement of the claim to the Co-Personal Representatives at WACHTEL, BIEHN & MALM, 2240 McCulloch Boulevard, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403. DATED this 2nd day of March, 2020. /s/ STEVEN BIEHN Attorney for Personal Representative
Publish: ¾, 3/11, 3/18/20