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Keep pets cool

Bullhead City Animal Care and Welfare would like to remind residents to keep pets cool and safe in Bullhead City’s extreme heat.

Make sure your pet has plenty of water and shade.

·         A small wading pool outside works great to cool off pets.

·         Do not leave your animal unattended in a vehicle. It only takes a few minutes for your pet to overheat, suffer organ failure or even die.

·         Do not walk your dog during the day because the pads on their feet can burn. Instead, walk in the early mornings or evenings.

·         Never leave your animal unattended for more than 24 hours.

·         If your pet is required to be tied up while outside, make sure it has plenty of shade and water. The tie should be no shorter than 10 feet.

There are some signs of pet dehydration; including excessive drooling, lethargy, bloodshot eyes, and loss of skin elasticity. If you are concerned your pet may be dehydrated, get it into the shade, provide water, cool it down with a damp cloth and contact your veterinarian.

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