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Highway interchange in Kingman now 25% complete

KINGMAN – Along Interstate 40 and US 93 in this Northwestern Arizona community, the many features of a free-flowing interchange are rising: a bridge for US 93, 2 miles of sound walls, a path for a new roadway between these two major highways.

These highly visible elements are among the many signs of progress taking place in Kingman eight months into a $106 million Arizona Department of Transportation project that is now 25% complete. The developing interchange is designed to eliminate delays that can occur on the main route between Las Vegas and Arizona by creating a direct connection.

One of the most visible project elements is next to US 93, where a mass of rebar and forms are allowing crews to pour concrete for a new bridge. That structure will allow drivers to access Beale Street and downtown Kingman while US 93 traffic flows above to and from I-40.

Nearby, crews are cutting a path through the bluffs north of the existing US 93 approach to I-40 for the new connection between the highways.

And south of US 93, tall cuts of earth and rocks are being removed to allow for roadway widening. That material is then being hauled away and used as fill in other areas of the project. 

Along I-40, work is underway on 2 miles of sound walls from Stockton Hill Road heading west. The sound wall work is expected to continue for 18 months. 

During construction, motorists can expect daytime and nighttime work. ADOT is maintaining two lanes of travel in each direction during peak travel times, with lane restrictions limited to off-peak hours. Drivers are able to exit both US 93 and I-40 at Beale Street to access businesses, Route 66 and downtown Kingman. 

Construction is expected to continue into 2027, when the interchange will open with 6 miles of widened or newly constructed roadway.

The project is creating a mile of new highway carrying traffic northwest of the existing interchange at I-40 and Beale Street. Other features include:

  • Widening more than a mile of I-40 in both directions between the new interchange and Stockton Hill Road
  • Adding a merge lane on US 93 northbound
  • Widening and/or rehabilitating four bridges on I-40
  • Building sound walls along a portion of I-40 to the west of Stockton Hill Road
  • Constructing drainage features

The interchange is designed to handle projected traffic growth for the next 25 years. 

For more information on the Kingman interchange project and to subscribe for updates, please visit The webpage includes a flyover video simulation of what the interchange will look like.