MOHAVE COUNTY – Late Sunday afternoon, the Mohave County Health Department (MCDPH) Nursing staff was notified of eleven new COVID-19 confirmed cases and one death. The death is that of a 70-79 year age range person in the Bullhead City service area.
Of the 11 new cases, 8 are in the Bullhead City service area. Seven of those have their cases under investigation. One is 19-29; three are 30-39; one is 50-59; two are 60-69. The eighth case is a 60-69 age range person who is recovering at home and linked to another case.
Of the three remaining cases, two are 0-18, in the Kingman area, recovering at home and linked to another case. The final case is a 60-69 individual in the Lake Havasu City area and the case is under investigation.
There are now 91 positive confirmed cases in the Lake Havasu City area, including 9 deaths, 235 in Kingman, with a total of 36 deaths there, and 8 cases in “North County,” formerly referred to as “Other”(composed of a number of smaller Mohave County communities,) and 171 in Bullhead City, including 11 deaths. There are now a total of 56 deaths in the county from the disease. Total positive cases, 505.
Periodically, Mohave County Department of Public Health staff review case information for accuracy and completeness. As a result of a recent review, the case count and respective demographic data will be adjusted slightly to show accurate data. There are a number of reasons for the adjustment, including the removal of cases that did not have a permanent address in Mohave County, reconciliation of cases reported twice or not originally reported, and removal of probable cases.
To summarize the adjustment: There was a duplicate case previously reported for Bullhead City. The numbers have been adjusted and are now accurate.**
PLEASE NOTE: Periodically, Mohave County Department of Public Health staff review case information for accuracy and completeness. As a result of a recent review, the case count and respective demographic data will be adjusted slightly to show accurate data. There are a number of reasons for the adjustment, including the removal of cases that did not have a permanent address in Mohave County, reconciliation of cases reported twice or not originally reported, and removal of probable cases.
The Mohave County Department of Public Health makes contact with all confirmed cases and encourages self-isolation for ten days to two weeks, depending on their symptoms and unique work and living situation. Public Health staff then identify the people who have been exposed to the confirmed case (contact tracing) and encourage them to self-isolate until they are past the point of possibly developing the infection. Public Health monitors each confirmed case, and all of their contacts are during their quarantines.
For more stats about COVID-19 in Mohave County, the state of Arizona, and the country, go here…this site is always being updated. As of this writing, it may not have the latest cases listed above: https://covid-19-mohave.hub.arcgis.com/.
Also, for additional statewide information about the COVID-19 response, go to: https://azdhs.gov/
NOTE: The Mohave County Library District has reopened library facilities to the public. Due to the pandemic, a number of changes have been made for the health and safety of library customers and staff. A trip to the library will temporarily be different than in the past, but the library is still able to connect customers with information and materials. Customers can still pick up holds, use computers, and obtain new materials for check out.
The most significant change for many is that there is no physical browsing of the collection. Instead, staff will locate and retrieve materials for customers. The book stacks are currently closed to the public. Customers are encouraged to browse the online catalog at https://mcld.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/default to place holds or may call the library to have a hold placed for them. The library staff is always eager to assist with finding the specific items a customer is seeking.
ALSO: The Recorder’s Offices as well as the Assessor’s Offices have reopened in Kingman, Lake Havasu City and Bullhead City. All offices have taken necessary precautions and will continue to follow guidelines to ensure our customers and staff remain healthy and safe.