MOHAVE COUNTY – Seven people have accepted invitations to interview for the position of Mohave County Manager. Two of them are Mohave County employees who applied for the position, were not selected to interview with the screening committee, but have been invited by supervisors to interview before the Board.
Those candidates are Development Services Director Tim Walsh and Yvonne Orr, Assistant to County Manager Mike Hendrix, who is retiring at the end of June. Another previously unidentified Board choice for interview is Ronda Perez, Lancaster, California.
A screening panel comprised of Presiding Superior Court Judge Chuck Gurtler, County Attorney Matt Smith, County Sheriff Doug Schuster and retired Kingman Elementary School District Superintendent Roger Jacks reviewed 46 applicants before selecting people for interview.
Those four included Sam Elters, Phoenix; Paul Van Haute, Eatonton, Georgia; David Williams, Prescott Valley and Scott Albert, Richardson, Texas. The screening panel ranked Elters 1A, Van Haute as 1B, Williams as 3.
The panel chose not to recommend that the Board interview Albert. At least one supervisor, however, invited him to interview with the Board.
“The interviews are scheduled for next week,” Communications Director Roger Galloway wrote in a news release. He said the interviews, in person or by video if necessary, will conducted in executive session before the Board contemplates any public vote.
“No further information will be released on the seven candidates at this time,” Galloway said.