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Can you show us a better system?

Dear Editor,

Mr. Dickson I’ve read many of your commentaries. You have a right to express your opinions as well as I do thanks to the 1st amendment in the bill of rights of the United States Constitution. In many other countries in the world, we could be imprisoned or worse. I take it you have an issue with Capitalism. While no system is perfect at least Capitalism allows individuals to own property, create, build and produce, sell, buy, save, invest and spend in the way they see fit.

You blame the oil companies for high gas prices and food producers for high prices. Within a day of President Joe’s inauguration with a stroke of his pen put over three thousand people out of work on the oil pipeline from Canada. His energy policies from then on have taken our country from energy independence to dependence on foreign oil and other energy sources. The more are energy costs leads to high fuel and food prices across the board. Solar and wind power only work in small applications.

Forcing a mandate on automobile manufactures to build electric vehicles that most people can’t afford, have limited range, put an added strain on our power grid, have a potential to catch fire, and themselves have toxic waste to be at some point disposed of makes no sense as well! Mr. Dickson the American people now how to shop around for deals on food and goods! Competition in the marketplace is a good thing! Yes, the border crisis is our No.1 issue at present as people not only from Mexico, Central, and south America but from all over the world are coming across our southern and northern borders unchecked! Tell me any of this makes sense?

This puts the United States people in danger of terrorism, citizens safety, unchecked deceases, and economic strain. Remember Ellis Island in New York? Now unfortunately a tourist attraction, had a significant role in vetting immigrants from around the world in the 20th century. Immigrants had to be vetted, health inspected, and prove they had employment in our country to be allowed in. Now the President of Mexico, knowing President Biden’s weakness, wants the United States to pay Mexico billions of dollars each year to keep migrants away from the southern border.

There are many immigration laws on the books Congress has passed and the recent bi-partisan bills offer no real solution. If an administration refuses to follow the laws already on the books there you have it, chaos! There were a number of inconsistencies in the 2020 election. If the people believe it’s true or not is not a crime! On January 6, 2021 President Trump did not instigate a rebellion. Prior to that day President Trump offered thousands of National Guard troops for security of the electoral vote count but the Capitol Police and then Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi refused the offer. Doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on here! Why were protesters allowed unimpeded into the Capitol buildings?

Why hasn’t the Capitol Police Officer been arrested for the murder of an unarmed Woman protester? Why are there protesters still under arrest and not charged with a crime not being given due process? Obama Care would have been dissolved if one Senator, John McCain, voted Yes. He disliked President Trump so much he voted NO which left Obama Care in place. So much for what’s best for the people! The “Maverick” turned “Rhino”. One of the many problems with Obama Care is that you may pay a low monthly premium for health insurance but then at tax time you end-up not getting a refund plus owing a lot of money to the I.R.S. Choose your Doctor? Obama laughed about that after it was passed! Seeking a better life for yourself and family I can understand but breaking the immigration laws of a country you want to settle in is not the way to do it!

 Jack Goyeneche, Kingman.

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