BULLHEAD CITY – A regular meeting of the Bullhead City Council will be held in the Bullhead City Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. on May 5. A majority of the City Council is expected to attend the meeting in person and others may attend the meeting through Zoom video conferencing. Only essential city staff members will be present. Per CDC guidelines, only 10 seats will be available for the public inside the City Council Chambers on a first come first served basis. Otherwise, televisions will be set up in the courtyard for additional individuals who desire to be present to speak during call to the public or during agenda items. The meeting will be broadcast live on TV4 and on the City’s website for those unable to attend. The exterior doors to the Council Chambers will be kept open during the meeting for additional air flow, unless high wind gusts occur.
Individual public comment can be submitted in writing prior to the meeting. For those wishing to provide comment and not attend the meeting in person, please email your comments to the City Clerk at sstein@bullheadcity.com by 4 p.m. on May 5. Your comments will provided to each City Council member prior to the meeting. Individuals wishing to provide comment in person without an inside seat will be asked to wait their turn before entering the Council Chambers to speak at the podium. The speaker podium will be sanitized before and after each person speaks. Immediately after speaking, those without an inside chair will be directed back outside in order to comply with social distancing guidelines and maintain the limit of persons seated in the audience.
Anyone with questions can call the City Clerk’s Office at 928-763-9400.