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Julian Nicholas Magana

Memorial blood drive slated for Magana Julian Nicholas

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Rusty Jackson comes to Bullhead City

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Leftover permit-tags remain for 2025 elk hunts

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KINGMAN - Historians Chris Glenn and Sandy Sunseri

western auction in bullhead
Colorado River Women’s Council to host Western Auction

BULLHEAD CITY – The Colorado River Women’s Council (CRWC)

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Bullhead City roadwork continues

BULLHEAD CITY -The City of Bullhead City Public Works Department has the following projects going on in addition to regular work around the city during the week of March9:

·            City crews will be performing city wide sewer cleaning in various neighborhoods.

·            City crews will be performing city wide sewer video inspection.

·            City crews will be performing city wide street sweeping in various neighborhoods.

·            City crews will be performing city wide traffic and street light maintenance and repairs in various locations throughout the city.

·            City crews we be performing weed abatement city wide, this will consist of mechanical control and herbicide applications.

·            City crews will be doing street striping in various areas of the City.  Please use caution.

·            McCormick Construction has begun installation of the new traffic signal at the intersection of Corwin and Hwy 95.  Work will take place at night between the hours of 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.  Please observe all traffic control and use caution.

·            McCormick Construction will begin work on the Bullhead Parkway extension to the new Laughlin bridge project.  Please use caution.

·            The City has entered into a contract with Premier Backhoe to replace 840 linear feet of Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) on Phyllis Dr.  The work has begun and will continue through approximately early April of 2020.  Temporary road closures and detours are to be expected during this project.  Please use caution.

·            City Crews will be closing Sunshine Marina March 9 – 13 for parking lot reconstruction project.

·            City crews will continue slurry work for CSMP 19/20 as programmed.  Please refer to the City’s project website for further details at:

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