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BOS accepting requests to serve on water board

MOHAVE COUNTY –The County Board of Supervisors voted at its October 2, meeting to begin considering a conversion process from the Golden Valley Improvement District (GVID) to a Domestic Water Improvement District (DWID). The item will continue to the board’s October 16 meeting. Meanwhile, letters of interest to serve on the proposed DWID are being requested and submitted to the county’s Clerk of the Board.  They must be received by 5 p.m. on October 12.

Those interested should send their letters via email to or via US Mail to Clerk of the Board, PO Box 7000, Kingman 86402 or in person (8-5 M-F 700 W Beale St. 3rd Floor).

The supervisors will decide at their October 16 meeting whether three or five individuals will serve on the DWID.

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