BULLHEAD CITY – Knowing how to access a child’s grades and assignments, or being able to communicate with a teacher, are important tools for parents. The Bullhead City School District (BCSD) will hold a free workshop for parents to understand how to use ParentVue, the District’s online portal with those capabilities.
The workshop is Thursday, April 18, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Signups and registration are open through Wednesday, April 10. Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. at Coyote Canyon School, 1820 Lakeside Drive. Refreshments (pizza, salad and beverages) will be free, and playground childcare will be available for children ages four to ten.
Online workshop registration is posted at https://forms.gle/yTpxCzp6PebrU13v7 . Paper registration forms are available at each of BCSD’s six campuses. The advance registration and RSVPs will help plan for both food and childcare.
Synergy is the platform used by students, parents and employees, for information management, registration and other tasks. ParentVue is a Synergy portal that gives parents and students access to grades, assignments, attendance, and communication with teachers.
A new ParentVue link was activated last year, along with both Apple and Android apps. At that time, Synergy and ParentVue logins for BCSD and the Colorado River Union High School District (CRUHSD) were separated, after being combined for a number of years. Parents with students in both districts now need to log in separately. Because of that, CRUHSD will have a representative at the workshop as well.
ParentVue training will be conducted by Northern Arizona University’s Educational Technology Consortium.