BULLHEAD CITY – The Bullhead City School District (BCSD) is reminding parents wishing to enroll their children in schools other than the ones in their attendance area that Open Enrollment applications for the 2024-2025 school year are due March 1 (Friday). An application is not needed for regular attendance at a child’s assigned school.
BCSD’s Open Enrollment process is for kindergarten through eighth grade students. The initial notice of the Open Enrollment process was issued in January.
A new Open Enrollment application must be submitted each school year for the following school year, even for students who are already attending schools through Open Enrollment during the current school year. A separate form must be completed for each student.
Blank copies of the form are available at the district office and schools. The form may also be printed from BCSD’s website at https://wsos-cdn.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/sites/27/Open-Enrollment-Policy-and-Form.pdf or the District’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/BCSD15 (@bcsd15), and dropped off at school sites or the district office, 1004 Hancock Road, during business hours Monday through Friday. Parents who have already completed open enrollment forms for the upcoming 2024-25 school year do not have to resubmit new ones.
After the March 1 deadline, all requests will be considered in accordance with BCSD Governing Board policies and state statute. Parents will be notified by June 1, 2024, about the status of their requests. The new school year is tentatively scheduled to start Monday, July 29 following a two-month summer break.