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Where do you stand?

Dear Editor,

In these contentious times there are people of every political persuasion who feel very strongly that their particular philosophy is the correct and only way for their city, or county or state or our nation to function. Most of those folks are very passionate and dedicated, and some few are vocal, participatory and involved. The sad thing about it is that so very few people are actually interested enough to be personally, physically involved. Those few active folks are the ones who dedicate many hours of their time as unpaid, and greatly appreciated volunteers for their chosen cause.

I suspect that we all know at least one person who spends a lot of time and wasted energy ranting about “those dirty *%)@# so and sos” who are ruining the world. That same person will, in most cases, be one who looks down their nose at volunteer workers and considers volunteer work to be “kissing up” for personal gain.

That attitude is one of the damning factors of the rampant discontent in our great country. We have one of the few nations in the world that not only tolerates, but actively encourages open political discourse. The habit of complaining and griping while doing nothing in the way of contribution is hellishly damaging to our culture and our society. Those who complain while contributing nothing positive are usually the ones who state that their single vote doesn’t count so they don’t even bother to go to the polling place and cast a vote. That is just about as smart as starving while looking at a meal on the table before you.

There is tremendous satisfaction in getting involved in your community in some way. There are hundreds of ways to become an active part of our society, whether it be volunteering for the political party of your choice or helping out at your county supervisor’s office or playing an instrument in the community orchestra. There are also many clubs and church groups who would be glad to have you be a part of their function. Even if you are very shy, you will be welcomed as a volunteer, there is always more work than there are willing hands to accomplish it.

If you want to involve yourself politically, you can call the local office of the party of your choice where you will be welcomed with open arms. You might feel that you don’t have much to offer. You are wrong! There are hundreds of things that you can do that free up time for someone else to work on other necessary tasks. You can be a functioning, vital and appreciated part of your local City, County, State and National operations and political function. All you have to do is to turn off the T.V. or turn off the social media device, and take that first step. Just call or go and extend your hand and say “Hello, I am here to help, what would you like me to do?” Once you have involved yourself, you can take pride in your offering and participation. At that point, you can honestly state that you have made a meaningful contribution to the process and you’ll find that your individual vote does, indeed, count. Your input just might sway the future of our country and the world in the direction you want it to go.

So………… comes down to the question of just how willing you are to get involved.  Where do you stand?

Jack Hommel

Golden Valley

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