Dear Editor,
We hear so much about COVID-19, but do we get the truth, especially from our government and the pharmaceutical industry?
Of great importance to all of us is how effective and for how long the COVID antibodies last. Many tests done by other countries have shown it is more effective than the vaccine and lasts longer. Our government and health agencies have no facts regarding the natural immunity from having the virus.
Do you think it is possible they do not want us to know, as the drug companies make no money from natural immunity, and also make large contributions to our federal health agencies? (Check it out).
There was a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine which showed people previously infected with the virus had only 1% of any severe reinfection and no deaths. Studies in Israel showed COVID antibodies were many times stronger than a vaccine and last longer.
My wife and I both had COVID and 9 months after having COVID, we both had a blood test that showed COVID-19 antibodies present.
Amazing our government does not seem to have information we could obtain on our own.
Another interesting find was regarding Merck’s COVID-19 pill (awaiting approval) per the NY Times (Oct. 1). Merck is set to get $700 per treatment course from the U.S. government with the purchase of 1.2 million treatments. The actual cost of production of the 5-day treatment is $17.74 with Merck receiving about a 7 billion (with a B) profit (your tax money). The cost in India for this treatment is $12.00.
Our pharmaceutical industry and government at work! The influence that the drug industry has on the CDC seems quite extensive. Is there corruption?
Richard W. Penwarden
Some people win the lotto but most don’t. Polio and smallpox weren’t eradicated by herd immunity.
Some people win the lotto but most don’t. Polio and smallpox weren’t eradicated by herd immunity.
Some people win the lotto but most don’t. Polio and smallpox weren’t eradicated by herd immunity.