Dear Editor,
Maybe it is the water, or the lack of critical thinking on behalf of readers of The Standard, but I certainly have to wonder about Mr. Nelson’s claim of being a White Nationalist Christian, who says he has had an afterlife experience (see his letter in the Sept. 25 edition of The Standard). Perhaps someone can explain how a Christian can believe an entire race of dark skinned individuals are inferior, as White Nationalists do, and still claim to be Christian. This is not the first time I have seen this ideology reported in your newspaper.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson, who actually owned slaves, stated something about holding these truths as self-evident that All Men Are Created Equal. If so, how can a whole race be inferior?
The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, but this does not mean we can indulge in Fake new nor should we encourage flawed thinking.
I think another critical look at the Bible’s teachings are definitely in order here!
Lloyd Dickson