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Water talks continue

KINGMAN – On Nov. 13, the Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with chamber member Business for Water Stewardship, hosted a conversation on groundwater challenges and solutions in Mohave County.

Featured panelists included local vineyard owner Micah Spencer, State Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli, and Mohave County Supervisor Travis Lingenfelter. The panel discussed the groundwater supply concerns facing Mohave County and why progress has been slow on this issue. Panelists highlighted that solutions to this issue are not one-size-fits-all, and what might be helpful for Mohave County might not work for other parts of the state.

Overall, the panelists agreed that more needs to be done to protect and steward groundwater, and that local control is crucial. Other solutions were discussed as well including irrigation efficiency, desert-adapted crops, groundwater recharge, and limiting high-capacity groundwater wells.

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