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USDA invests $1.6 million in Wecom’s broadband project

GOLDEN VALLEY – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural

Development Arizona State Director Jack R. Smith has announced USDA has invested $1.6 million in Wecom’s high-speed broadband infrastructure project.

“Through USDA’s ReConnect Program, more than 1,400 Arizonians living in rural communities will get access to the latest broadband technology that will connect them to opportunities in education, health care and economic development…” Smith said.

Wecom Inc. will use a $1.6 million ReConnect Pilot Program grant and matching funds investment to construct a Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) and hybrid Fiber-to-the-Node (FTTN) fixed wireless system that is expected to connect 1,492 households in Peach Springs, many belonging to members of the Hualapai Tribe, and the surrounding area to high-speed internet.

Paul Fleming, Vice President of Wecom, introduced the leadership of USDA Arizona at the announcement event Wednesday. “I believe one of the best benefits we see is what the community gives back to the world when they have access to the latest broadband technologies,” Fleming explained. “I can only imagine the next medical breakthrough that could potentially cure cancer or other diseases… a cure that started with a child who was given the ability to learn and research in a rural community through reliable broadband access.”

Wecom’s ReConnect Pilot Program will provide rural e-Connectivity for 1,492 rural households, 27 presubscribed businesses, six educational facilities, four pre-subscribed farms, three critical community facilities and a health care center.

Wecom, Inc. is a communications services provider throughout Northern Arizona and Southern Nevada.

Pictured left to right: Paul Fleming, Vice President & COO of Wecom, Inc., Chad Rupe, Rural Utilities Service Administrator at USDA Rural Development, Jeff Sobotka, Vice President & State Broadband Director, Arizona Commerce Authority, Jack R. Smith, State Director of Arizona at USDA Rural Development.

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