Dear Editor,
GOP politicians today are like fast talking used car salesmen, or crybabies who sensationalize stories and throw tantrums waving their hands around to get their audience pumped up. They believe that by parroting hackneyed talking points, this somehow makes them attractive to GOP voters. It doesn’t, as can be seen with the case of Liz Cheney and countless other GOP politicians that have opposed Trump and his American agenda.
With basic GOP parrots, we see a lack of critical thinking, a lazy work ethic, and a complete lack of awareness, as far as what Republican voters want. They believe that by simply conforming to norms established by the fake media, fake Hollywood, and the even more fake District of Columbia, that this somehow makes them hip, trendy, and appealing to the masses.
It doesn’t. This was proven by Republican voters, and even by some former Obama voters, overwhelmingly rejecting the platform of the GOP candidates running for president at that time. Bush weariness was apparent at that time, as well as a weariness with all of the Bush clones that came onto the scene in 2016. The voters rejected them and embraced the Trump Train and have been riding it since then, and will be riding it until the wheels fall off the railroad track.
Despite this rejection of the GOP platform by Americans, the party has not learned its lessons and believes that cooperation with the Democrat Party on all issues will endear it to the Republican electorate. It won’t, as has been the case in 2016 and will be the case in the coming midterms.
The Trump Train will attain more success if it embarks on its journey without the unpopular baggage that the GOP brings with it: civility, collaboration, relative morality, and respect for the rule of chaos is not what Republicans want or voted for. Think about how much money these GOP actors and actress politicians pocket during this train ride, and they have the nerve to complain about critics. Do they feel (since they are mostly millionaires earning their keep by screaming and yelling and sensationalizing) that they are above criticism? Do they feel they are the “upper class” and that we peons have no voice?
I don’t know, but they certainly are censoring people, creating some kind of illusion that “all is well” and “lets just be nice” and that the party is somehow doing great and running smoothly, when in fact it’s not. Republicans do not have a successful platform to challenge the Democrats hold on power. We call ourselves “Conservatives”, but what are we conserving? What are the Republicans offering that’s different from the Democrats? No protection of the 1st Amendment, nor the 2nd, nor the 4th and we can actually say the entire original Bill of Rights. Republicans have done nothing about social media censorship and in fact some are part of the problem.
Paul Gosar is fighting for 1st Amendment rights because of censorship, and notice how he is being publicly attacked. And even so, Republicans are being threatened by fellow Republicans! Social media sites comments and entire threads in Republican ran groups are being deleted by Republicans who are in Paul Gosar’s own camp; people who sit right next to him at these dinners. It seems as if his colleagues do not respect his plight. There is no unity; Some do not respect the Constitution but claim patriotism. Thankfully, at least Paul Gosar and some others like him that are running, (or have ran) on the Trump “America First” platform are not basic “used car salesman” sounding GOP operatives.
No, we Republicans want genuine change that only genuine truth can bring about. Trumpist candidates are the only ones pledging themselves to this mission. They can and will make America Great Again.
Remember; President Trump always attacked the GOP. He would say they were siding with democrats, backstabbing, infighting and not focusing on America first, like he does; so let’s get real and stop pretending like everything is alright in this county as far as the Republican party is concerned when we just had a RINO try and get rid of Becky Foster, the District 1 Director for the GOP Central Committee, based on nothing but lies yesterday. And as long as certain protected people who start these types of frivolous and costly recalls keep on filing for no reason, the Republican party in Mohave County will suffer divided.
Donna Ramirez
Gosar is an embarrassing blowhard. His grandstanding does nothing for the people in his district.
Gosar is an embarrassing blowhard. His grandstanding does nothing for the people in his district.