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Rusty Jackson comes to Bullhead City

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KINGMAN - Historians Chris Glenn and Sandy Sunseri

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Colorado River Women’s Council to host Western Auction

BULLHEAD CITY – The Colorado River Women’s Council (CRWC)

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Kingman Republican Women to cruise for K9 veterans

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William Robert “Bill” Blake III

The owner of the Blake Ranch cattle company, William Robert “Bill” Blake III, was called to our heavenly father at age seventy-seven on September 9 after a battle with Acute Meyloid Leukemia.  

Bill was born in Kingman, Arizona where he attended grade school and graduated from Mojave County high school in 1965 and the University of Arizona in Tucson in 1970. Bill has always been an outstanding Rancher and member of the Mohave  County community. Despite the unexpected death of his father, William “Bob” Blake Jr.

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