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rusty jackson
Rusty Jackson comes to Bullhead City

BULLHEAD CITY – He may have gotten involved

elk in field
Leftover permit-tags remain for 2025 elk hunts

PHOENIX — Arizona hunters still have an opportunity

Music and trivia night in Bullhead City

BULLHEAD CITY – Bullhead City will have the

Historians to give talk, “The Vanishing Trade Posts”

KINGMAN - Historians Chris Glenn and Sandy Sunseri

western auction in bullhead
Colorado River Women’s Council to host Western Auction

BULLHEAD CITY – The Colorado River Women’s Council (CRWC)

republican party logo
Kingman Republican Women to cruise for K9 veterans

KINGMAN - The Kingman Republican Women will be

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Robert Karl Prumers

Robert Karl Prumers, of Kingman, died Wednesday, March 6, 2024. He was 80. Mr. Prumers was born May 3, 1943 in Los Angeles, Calif. The family contact is his wife Martha Aldridge Prumers. Arrangements were made by Sutton Memorial Funeral Home.

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Farmer’s Market cancelled

BULLHEAD CITY – The City of Bullhead City has canceled the last Farmer’s Market of the season scheduled for Saturday, May 2. “It is in the best interest of the community to cancel the last Farmer’s Market of the year due to COVID-19,” City Manager Toby Cotter said. “We had approximately 5,000 people at the February event. It is a highly attended event.” The Farmer’s Market will be closed June-September and re-open for its next season on Saturday, October 3 at Community Park. “Bonnie and her volunteers, along with the city recreation staff, have put together one of the best…

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Boyea takes plea deal in stabbing case

A stabbing in Bullhead City last spring is being resolved through a plea agreement. Michael Scott Boyea, 35, Bullhead City, pled guilty Wednesday, March 6, to an attempted first degree murder charge. Deputy Mohave County Attorney Jaimye Ashley said the attack occurred after Boyea arrived at a friend’s home at 821 Glen Drive on May 21, 2018. “He walked behind the victim and stabbed the victim in the neck and back approximately five times,” Ashley said. Bullhead City police spokeswoman Emily Fromelt said the stabbing victim had been involved in a dispute with a mutual friend who was not present…

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