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River Fund to assist community, accepting donations

BULLHEAD CITY – The River Fund has been enlisted to help organize the community’s emergency response to COVID-19. A hotline has been set up to assist the needs of our community during this time of uncertainty: (928) 763-0182.
The River Fund, Inc. and the City of Bullhead City are coordinating efforts to organize resources to assist those impacted by COVID-19.

The (928) 763-0182 call center will be handling requests from individuals and families facing hardships and coordinating these through community social service groups.

The hotline is also for those who would like to donate items such as money, food, water, toilet paper, diapers and baby formula. Individuals can also call with their desire to volunteer.
If anyone would like to donate to the River Fund, please go to via PayPal. Checks can be mailed to the River Fund, 1343 Hancock Road, Bullhead City, AZ 86442.
The River Fund, Inc. is a local non-profit agency providing emergency and crisis services. All other local service groups and non-profit organizations are asked to partner with the River Fund and the City of Bullhead City for all COVID-19 related community assistance.

The call center hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

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