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Dear Editor,  Erica Green has a very nice

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Respect one another’s differences

The daily news (whether it be through the newspaper, radio, television or social media) is filled with words of disdain and contempt as people turn against one another. Political parties seem to be one of the biggest culprits, and the in-fighting is more a matter of personal agenda and not national security as we hear over and again.

In the last few weeks, it seems that nation has turned against nation, leaving us all to live under the constant threat of war. North Korea continues to show their strength by launching missiles, and Iran has done the same. Their heavy-handed threats have caused us all to fear what the consequences of war might be.

However, one of the most insignificant bits of news (and one that is hard for me to stomach), is reportedly of contentions among the ‘Royal Family.’ Such contentions have even motivated the Queen Mother to issue an order that heads of the family sit down together and resolve their differences like commoner families should do. Were it only that simple!

Why are there so many problems among people? Why are misunderstandings and hurt feelings allowed to fester? What can be done to resolve issues whether it be among families or among nations? Well, the answer to my statement “Were it only that simple!” is actually quite simple: We must all learn to lay aside our differences and love and respect one another.

Jesus gave a command to His followers that would serve families, acquaintances, and nations well. He said: “Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12). Loving one another is easily accomplished by simply learning to value one another and respect each other’s differences. The differences among people might be because we are all brought up in different households, and different social environments. We all have our own way of doing things. However, our differences are not to be criticized and looked down upon but valued as being of worth.

The Law of God, as given to Moses, declared: “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:19).

How much better would our world be if everyone decided to just ‘get along,’ and live in harmony with one another? Wars would cease. Relationships would be healed and strengthened. Our world would become a place of peace and safety. That should be something each of us desire.

  • Pastor Jerry Dunn, Oak Street Baptist Church

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