Dear Editor,
Please consider making a donation, no matter its size, for former Kingman resident Glenn Jordan’s inspirational journey from his near fatal experience into charity for others. Glenn and his wife Cindy remain closely connected to Kingman with family and friends in town and a history of community involvement.
Glenn was badly burned and nearly died from injuries sustained in an Aug. 26, 2021 natural gas explosion that also critically injured three other men at a commercial strip complex in Chandler. I’m both thrilled and proud to report that 27 months later, after a painful healing and recovery process, Glenn has spent months in the gym engaged in self-sacrifice and training to regain an elite fitness level in a mission to raise funds to benefit fellow burn victims across the state.

Glenn has aligned with the Arizona Burn Foundation and has an impressive fundraiser coming up on Nov. 19 at HUB Fitness, his gym in the valley. His goal is to complete at least 2,000 pull ups in 12 hours in his RAISE YOUR BAR campaign.
Glenn has done as many as 1,600 pull ups (totally clean, no cheating) in a single day and has totaled more than 27,000 during training that began in June. Let’s join Glenn in an exercise that aims to demonstrate resilience and recovery through dedication and commitment.

Pledge opportunity can be accessed on line (http://azburn.org/raise-your-bar/) . A penny per pull up commitment would total $20 at the 2,000 mark.
Any contribution is welcome. If unable to donate, please wish Glenn well in this endeavor and send good vibes to the valley.
The Burn Foundation helps survivors throughout the state, and no doubt, some of the proceeds will help some in need in Mohave County. Your contribution contemplation or any other form of support is most welcome and appreciated.
Dave Hawkins