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KHS presents fall play

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Hazardous waste collection day is Nov. 2

BULLHEAD CITY - The Bullhead City Fire Department

MEC opens application for annual Washington Youth Tour

BULLHEAD CITY – Mohave Electric Cooperative (MEC) is proud

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Lake Havasu City awarded VESP Certificate of Recognition

LAKE HAVASU CITY – The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has awarded Lake Havasu City the Voluntary Environmental Stewardship Program (VESP) Bronze Level at their Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The Voluntary Environmental Stewardship Program (VESP) recognizes and awards incentives to Arizona businesses and other organizations that have a good history of environmental compliance and strive to go beyond what is legally required to protect public health and the environment. Participants in the program can access tools and strategies that support their existing environmental programs and find opportunities to further reduce costs and spur innovation.

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Spending and fiscal responsibility

Dear Editor,

Polls show a consensus of Arizonans want quality education for all grade levels in our state to prepare our young people and our economy for a fruitful future. Arizonans want just immigration reform, a secure border, and more. …but it all costs money.

Our Congressmen are in the middle of a tight election, but they still have our work to do – including creating and passing the federal budget for FY2025. And while Arizonans have our priorities, Americans are also highly concerned about our ballooning deficit and excessive military budget;

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Commission orders for raptors, amphibians, crustaceans & mollusks, and reptiles to be considered at Aug. 7 meeting

The Arizona Game and Fish Commission will consider approval of proposed Commission Orders 25 (raptors), 41 (amphibians), 42 (crustaceans and mollusks), and 43 (reptiles) at its Aug. 7 virtual meeting that begins at 8 a.m. The public will be able to view the meeting via webcast. The Commission Orders recommend seasons, season dates, bag and possession limits, and open/closed areas. The orders were available for a 30-day public comment period (May 7 through June 5), but constituents can still provide written comments up until or during the meeting. Verbal comments can be made during the virtual meeting at the Commission’s…

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Airway Avenue Lane Closure Scheduled

KINGMAN, Ariz. – On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the City of Kingman will be closing the right lane of Airway Avenue heading eastbound in front of Smith’s Food & Drug. This closure is necessary to replace the sidewalk. The road closure will be in effect from 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and the sidewalk will remain closed for 24 hours. The City of Kingman urges anyone traveling through work zones to use caution and provide a safe working environment for workers, the motoring public, and pedestrians. For questions or concerns about the project, please contact the City of Kingman Public Works…

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