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MRF to host BOS candidates

KINGMAN – The public is invited to the Mohave Republican Forum (MRF) meeting onWednesday, February 12, at 5:15 p.m. with Board of Supervisor District 1 candidates, Becky Foster, Jim Hamersley, Gerarda Gabby Hamodey, Travis Lingenfelter, Sherri Merriwether and Timothy David Woods. Each will be speaking and answering questions.

MRF meetings are held at Golden Corral, 3580 Stockton Hill Rd., at 5:30 p.m. There is an admission charge of $2 per person to assist with the meeting costs.  An early bird special price is available for those arriving and paying for their meals prior to 4 p.m.

For reservations, which are requested and helpful or for further information, please contact Rita Basinger at 928- 692-4771, or Jayne Seieroe at 714-914-7143,

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