Dear Editor,
The pending proposal to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors to designate Mohave County a Constitutional Sanctuary County (MCSC) is not simply redundant, since we live in a nation governed by a Constitution, but also absurdly ill-conceived.
This proposed declaration appears to be based upon a group of citizens whose goal is to monitor governmental overreach and is currently focused on COVID19 restrictions. Their contention is that current restrictions regarding COVID19 violate their constitutionally guaranteed rights. I ask ’what about other’s rights to continue to live? Are these people’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to be secondary to MCSC supporters who contend they have constitutional rights to include the right to spread an infectious disease?
Taking this line of thought to the next absurd level could this also mean we should not be required to carry car insurance? Wear seat belts? Have an age for legal vehicle operation and thus accept 6-8 year old vehicle drivers? Have speed limits? Prohibit murder or stealing? Need I go on to enumerate the absurdity of the notion of a Constitutional Sanctuary County regarding this virus.
It is noteworthy that Arizona and Mohave County have experienced a recent sharp increase in COVID19 cases that also includes avoidable deaths. Again, the absurdly ill-conceived legislation proposed doesn’t pass ”the smell test” … especially since we know not how future COVID events will develop.
While legislating health-related issues Mohave County’s governing board members need to make medically-related decisions under the guidance of medical staff and not a small group of opposed citizens. COIVID19 statistics and medical advice ought to guide appropriate directives that relate to reality and not wishful thinking and fantasy.
The first significant ”public hearing” was held 1/04 when supporters spoke out. Those who opposed this legislation apparently were discouraged from speaking. All citizens opposed to this legislative action need to be heard. Contact your county board of supervisors and let them know your opinion. You, your family’s and our communities lives depend upon it! I believe emphatically that we ”are all in this thing called life together’ and we need to care for one another and all life.
Christine M. Meisenheimer, Ph. D. and William R. George