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Response to Pickering letter

Dear Editor, Wow! You are part of the

Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

It is a sign of the times

Dear Editor,

Our country is currently caught in the grasp of a major and dramatic election cycle that could well determine the future destiny of America. America’s elected representatives, Congress and Senators are at each other’s throats in an all-out battle for power, control, and money. The only thing that remains clearly transparent is the fact that the will of the people has lost its crucial and fundamental importance. Sadly, this reality has become a sign of the times.

Mohave County and the city of Kingman are not isolated from the dilemma; we are seeing and living in the same degradation. The lust for power and control is apparent in all elections County and City wide. As a concerned resident of Kingman, I felt personal disappointment when I discovered some of my campaign signs had been illegally removed. What should one think? How should one feel? What I have learned is there is nothing the Kingman Establishment fears more than a candidate that they cannot control. Kingman city politics has never been more a “sign of the times” and things are not as they may seem. This realization has only fueled my desire to be elected as a candidate who has no other agenda except to be the voice of the people on the City Council; not one appointed; not a business owner; not someone who will profit in any way except with the pure intrinsic satisfaction of humbly serving the people and truly making Kingman a better, safer and more prosperous place to call home.

City Council elections are not partisan based and although I am a strong Constitutional Conservative who loves America, I am also disappointed in the local party. To my surprise and dismay, I have learned that just a few internal party people who have attended the candidate’s campaign debates will be allowed to vote on the Mohave County Republican Central Committee’s recommendation for election to the city council. When I say “a few” I am referring to less than 1% of Kingman’s voting population. It is a sad day when we allow the Establishment In-crowd to bring partisan politics into City elections. Such a formal recommendation is not what it may seem to be but simply furthers and empowers the disturbing “sign of the times” and the degradation of the voice of Kingman’s people.

I am not a lifelong resident of Kingman but have come to love the town and its people. I have taken the time to go out and meet the community and this has elevated my passion for serving the people with absolutely no strings, no possible other personal agenda or conflicts of interest. I am not interested in being a “chosen one” for the Establishment but rather chosen by the people. The “sign of the times” CAN be changed as quickly as all the campaign signs that litter the community have been removed. I humbly ask for the opportunity to be your voice in making Kingman a better place to live, to learn, and to love one another. Please vote for Elliot Chalew for Kingman City Council. I promise you will never regret giving me your support and in short order be grateful you did.

Elliot Chalew