Dear Editor,
There can be absolutely no doubt in the mind of any thinking, rational person that the entrenched Elites, the Communists have taken over the entire left half of the political spectrum in America. In their power-grab frenzy, they have blatantly abandoned their party’s base, the common working, taxpaying citizen. They try to play cutesy with their use of terms such as progressive and free thinker, but at the end of the day, they are just exactly what Joe Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Che Guevara, Karl Marx, Hugo Chavez, and Pol Pot wanted them to be. They are revolutionaries with a burning, mindless passion and an utter and complete absence of ethics or morals or decency amongst the lot of them. They are totally doctrinaire and are driven by their raging, insane hatred of America and everything America stands for.
If you have the stomach to look closely at the machinations of the left, it is clear to see the red handed stamp of the Communists in the disruptive “mostly peaceful” protests, arson, road blocks and riots. We are also burdened by the self-admitted America-haters that are the B.L.M. and the Antifa thugs who are clearly very well-funded, carefully scripted and directed in their orgies of destruction. They have been given carte blanche to destroy, while the police have been ordered to stand down.
In all of this disruption, unrest, destruction and even acts of treason we can see, clearly illustrated, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. There is nothing new in this effort to destroy America and our society. It is all from an old playbook that has lain mouldering in those steaming sewers our universities have become. The left leaning professors and administrators have been indoctrinating our youth for many years. In America, this has been ongoing since the 1940’s and has grown ever more open and obnoxious as the years pass. The Universities and even the high schools have become saturated with the leftist mind-rot.
Young people today have little to zero knowledge of modern history. They haven’t the foggiest idea of any of the reasons for “The war to end all wars” World War One. They cannot grasp any of the justifications from either side for World War Two. Very few people under fifty have any idea that there was such a thing as a Korean war. (Excuse me….Police Action). You might try to ask them to identify French Indo China and, further, ask how the US was drawn into the Viet Nam conflict.
It is irresponsible and negligent at best and criminally destructive and treasonous at worst, of our institutions of learning to have failed so abysmally. Their supposed mission is to give our kids at least some frame of reference to try to understand the world about us. Our youth have been warehoused, pampered, mis-led and dumbed-down in “institutions of learning” and they now come away horribly uneducated but very thoroughly indoctrinated and totally unaware of the horrific wrong that has been done to them by those who were supposed to prepare their minds to cope with the world.
Our young people now have no frame of reference to use to try to understand why the Soviet Union and its communist economy and societal structure collapsed. They cannot know why Cambodia’s Pol Pot presided over one of the greatest slaughters (of his own people) in history in attempting to prop up his failing Communist regime. Neither can they know the reasons for the demise of the Castro’s communist utopia in Cuba. They cannot understand, even though they could have watched it happen, why Venezuela’s socialist nirvana was so corrupt and inept, its people cannot buy toilet paper even if they can carry the suitcase of worthless Venezuelan currency required for the transaction.
Is this the future of the United States of America? May God help us.
Jack Hommel
Golden Valley
It seems we have rejoined 1951 America. Commies under every bed. Jack, maybe you can get Joe McCarthy to give us the list of Commies in the State Department. As Judge Welch said, “At long last, sir, have you left no sense of decency?