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Hilltop Foursquare’s “Pirates of the Kingdom; The Tale of the Dry Bones”

Pastor Caleb Pippin prayed over a child upon request during Hilltop Foursquare’s “Pirates of the Kingdom” Kids Camp that was held July 9-12. Photo by Noel Mabile.

KINGMAN – July 9 through 12, Hilltop Foursquare Church held their annual Kids Camp, this year with the theme “Pirates of the Kingdom” with an exceptional and immersive environment to welcome children ages five to 11 from all over Kingman and invite them to hear the words of the Bible.

Children were guided through four different activities. They were provided dinner, there were stations for discussion, arts and crafts, as well as games. To conclude the day, all groups met up together for chapel, which consisted of their Bible lesson, live worship music and dance, as well an impressive and elaborate skit. The skit was done by the Foursquare community to correlate with each day’s lesson, with characters like good guys, Captain Marion and Captain Newma, and “bad” guys Barren and Steve Bones … and their cousin, California (Calvary).

California (Calvary), played by Chris Biediger (far left), Captain Newma, played by Pastor Caleb Pippin (middle left), Morweena, played by Krishla Forest-Norris (middle), Captain Marion, played by Pastor Debra Pippin (middle right), Steve Bones, played by Kenny Lackner (far right). Photo courtesy Nicole Tyneasha Harvey/ Kate Hughes.

Bible lessons were held by Debra and Caleb Pippin, in which they cover topics such as discipleship, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..”, God’s everlasting love and His want for a relationship with all.

Debra spoke touchingly on how we are all beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s image. Prayer opportunities were available to all who wanted it.

Children during worship at Kids Camp, 2024, Hilltop Foursquare. Photo courtesy Kate Hughes/ Nicole Tyneasha Harvey.

Hilltop also held “Pirates of the Kingdom” Sunday service on July 21 for those who could not participate in the Kids Camp, in which they went over Ezekiel 37.

Krishla Forest-Norris and Pastor Debra Pippin leading in dance during worship at the “Pirates of the Kingdom” Kids Camp at Hilltop Foursquare. Photo courtesy Kate Hughes/ Nicole Tyneasha Harvey.

Hilltop Foursquare holds prayer between 9:30 and 10 a.m. right before their service every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. After Sunday services, Hilltop opens a food pantry and ministry to all who may need it. Hilltop also provides a Spanish service on Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. Youth group is held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m for high school students.

Noel Mabile