BULLHEAD CITY – Monday night’s monthly governing board meeting of the Colorado River Union High School District (CRUHSD) will be conducted by videoconference due to COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. The livestreamed meeting will be accessible to the public, and call to the public comments will be accepted in advance.
District officials are joining many other government and private agencies complying with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) limiting public gatherings to ten people. Monday’s CRUHSD meeting will include videoconferencing and telephonic participation by some board members, in addition to remote public access, while following the Arizona Open Meeting Law.
Although the board meeting will be held in the school district’s offices with limited staff participation, the building will continue to be closed to the general public as part of CDC guidance. CRUHSD expects to conduct “virtual” board meetings as long as local, state and/or federal health restrictions remain in place.
Monday’s CRUHSD meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. The video link to watch the meeting will be at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ7rkXfyNYY .
All public requests to address the board will be accepted in written form only until health restrictions are lifted. Individuals who wish to submit CRUHSD call to the public comments for Monday’s meeting may do so until noon Friday (April 10). A form is linked to the board meeting section of the CRUHSD website, www.crsk12.org (or https://www.crsk12.org/about_us/governing_board/meeting_minutes___agendas/colorado_river_union_high_school_district) . Comments will be read into the record and may be faxed to 928-219-3050 or emailed to tmohn@crsk12.org.