It could be several days before all of the Mohave County general election vote is processed and tabulated. This morning’s numbers are incomplete and unofficial pending canvas.
Typically, there are several thousand ballots not counted on general election day in Presidential contest years in Mohave County. There could be many more leftovers this year given record breaking early voting and heavy turnout.
“So many ballots we don’t get to count because we did not physically have them either dropped off at a polling location or in our office by 7:00 p.m. (Tues.)” said Mohave County Recorder Kristi Blair.
The leftovers include early ballots that are returned and received late. They also include provisional ballots, where citizens are allowed to vote but their ballots must be validated before they are counted.
Blair said the provisional votes require more time and effort to authenticate than is the case with leftover early ballots.
Blair said postal service carriers were to play a role in the ballot collection and delivery process this year. She said a statewide effort was coordinated that had carriers picking up ballots on their routes yesterday and delivering them to the nearest polling place before they closed.
Ballots dropped off late at polling places and other fixed locations, late arriving mailed ballots and provisionals will be delivered to the Recorder’s office sometime this morning.
“Their number is unknown until we get those ballots,” Blair said.
Dave Hawkins