Dear Editor,
Congratulations are in order for the Valle Vista Board of Directors for resurrecting the very important and critical compliance committee. This volunteer group has the unpleasant task of protecting Valle Vista’s visual aesthetics and quality of life by enforcing our governing documents to the benefit of the entire community. It would be great for all new property owners, builders and real estate professionals to be aware of the CK&Rs that govern Valle Vista. Current and established residents should also review the documents to ensure proper compliance especially in areas of trash removal, junk and easement maintenance.
In many areas our governing documents go beyond the minimal requirements of Mohave County Code Enforcement. County approval does not automatically mean Valle Vista approval. A recent conversation with a three-year resident dealt with their disappointment that they were not allowed to raise chickens.
Please support the efforts of the compliance committee volunteers. Do not hesitate to file a complaint if you witness a possible violation. Reading, understanding and following the VVPOA bylaws and CL&Rs by all property owners will ensure that Valle Vista remains a beautiful place to live for many years to come.
Kim Gaines
Valle Vista