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letter to the editor
A Snake in the Garden

Dear Editor,  Erica Green has a very nice

Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

Coming: “Decades of Republican Control”

Dear Editor,

From coronavirus blames to impeachment, the left’s relentless and divisive attacks on the Trump’s presidency are a disgrace to the Constitution. The FBI insurgency, Mueller plot, the media hatred and impeachment are unthinkable. This has never happened in the history of the United States. It is an insult to our founding fathers, an embarrassment to the U.S.

Every cause or action in life has an effect. What the Democrats and  the Media have done to Trump, is the Cause. The Effect of this will be a “Decades long dominance of the Republican Party”. Trump’s base, Bill Barr and media will implement these imminent effects. Each cause will produce individual stages of effects.

The Trump presidency is the most closely watched in history. With today’s vast coverages, the people have become highly educated in politics. The public understands the relentless attacks on Trump and the stark differences to policies and results. With his base growing stronger than ever, the “Effects” will follow.

Donald Jr. and Ivanka placed in the Top 4 on the List of Potential 2024 Presidential Candidates. According to an Axios poll, it showed many want President Donald Trump’s children to carry on their father’s legacy. With Donald Jr’s new book, ‘Triggered’, Lloyd Green of The Guardian said it could set the political stage for Donald Trump, Jr.

The President knows, what he has created needs to be preserved. Donald Trump Jr has the same strong convictions as his father. With his father’s strong policies in place, he would be a shoe-in for eight years. This should be pushed and expressed to the public now and through the next  five years. The “Effects” will continue.

After that, Ivanka Kushner then Eric Trump then Jerad Kushner. The media must start planting these seeds in the public’s minds now and for the next 28 years. Each would capture the new base of voters for decades. Cause and Effect will prevail. The end effect will be a “Decades long dominance of the Republican Party.”

What goes around, comes around. The Dems are feeling this now. The voters’ new awareness will be expressed at the ballot box for decades. The laws of cause and effect always win. It is my hope that all genres of the media will take from this, and work tirelessly to support the Republic of the United States of America.

Thomas Droessler

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