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BLM lifts fire restrictions in central and western Arizona

Effective Friday, August 25 at 8 a.m., the Bureau of Land Management will lift all seasonal fire restrictions for public lands administered by the Phoenix and Colorado River Districts, including the Kingman, Lake Havasu, and Yuma field offices as well as the Hasssayampa, and Lower Sonoran field offices. Due to increased precipitation across the area, additional rain in the weather forecast, and a rise in fuel moisture, it has been determined that the likelihood of wildfire has lessened to the degree that the restrictions can be rescinded. 

Before going hiking or camping, ensure you are aware of fire regulations, restrictions, or area closures. 

  • Use metal fire rings or grills where present. Wood placed on a fire should never exceed the size of the grill or fire ring. 
  • If building a fire on the ground (where permitted), choose a location away from adjoining or overhanging flammable material, and ensure the ground around the fire is clear of all flammable materials. Avoid fires on windy days if possible.  
  • If you have a campfire, never leave it unattended and make sure it is fully extinguished before leaving the area. Fires should be doused with water and dirt and stirred with a shovel until completely cold to the touch.  
  • If you are using a portable stove, make sure the area is clear of grass and other fine fuels. Prevent stoves from tipping and starting a fire. 
  • Never throw cigarettes out of the window of a vehicle. Use an ashtray instead.  
  • Practice Leave No Trace principles — pack out cigarette butts, trash, and burned materials from your site.
  • Never park over dead grass; a vehicle’s catalytic converter can ignite the vegetation. 
  • Use caution while discharging a firearm, operating an internal combustion engine, welding, or operating torches with an open flame, or using explosives (where permitted). 

Fireworks and exploding targets are always prohibited on state-trust and federally managed lands.

Fire restrictions may vary by county or jurisdiction depending on the level of fire danger. For information on fire restrictions, prevention tips and restrictions in your area, contact your local BLM office, or visit  

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