BULLHEAD CITY – On Sunday, October 27, at about 2:55 p.m., several Bullhead City Fire Department (BHCFD) crews were dispatched to the 1700 block of Dorado Dr. for the report of a structure fire. The first arriving units reported heavy smoke and winds blowing, forcing the blaze to a near-by secondary exposure Acting Battalion Chief Marvin McCabe requested additional units to respond through dispatch. The firefighters quickly began attacking the blaze utilizing the deck gun. Incoming crew members were assigned to the secondary structure, attacking the fire that had extended into the neighboring roof and ceiling.
According to a BHCFD press release, the residence where the fire originated was a complete loss. The neighboring structures’ roofline and ceiling were severely damaged, leaving the home uninhabitable. A cat was recovered in the secondary structure by Firefighter Joe Jackson during the incident and returned to its owner. McCabe advised that one patient was transported from the scene for smoke inhalation. Red Cross provided assistance to the affected families.
Bullhead City’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) were also on scene, providing rehab assistance to crew members as they continued to cycle through the overhaul process. Cause of the fire is under investigation.