With summer drawing to a close and the start of the new school year quickly approaching, the Bullhead City Fire Department asks that community members review several essential safety tips.
Often we see students are on their phones texting, browsing the internet, or playing games. The Bullhead City Fire Department recommends that parents talk to their children about following safety tips provided by the National Safety Council (NSC) when headed to and from school:
·Cross only at crosswalks.
·Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street.
·You should never cross the street while using an electronic device.
·Never walk or ride a bike while texting. If you need to send a text, move out of the way of others and stop in a safe location to send the text.
Drivers should always be vigilant when traveling through school zones and should NEVER text and drive.
·In a school zone, when flashers are blinking, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing a crosswalk.
·Stop for a school crossing guard holding a stop sign.
·Watch for children in school zones, near playgrounds, parks, and in all residential areas.
·Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians.
To ensure that children who travel to school by bus get there safely, the Bullhead City Fire Department suggests teaching students to follow these tips from the National Safety Council.
·Teach children to line up 6 feet away from the curb as the bus approaches.
·Teach children to wait for the bus to make a complete stop before getting up from your seat.
·Teach children not to cross in front of the bus if possible.